
Showing posts from September, 2013

10.Paths of Yoga:

We shall now analyse one or two paths of yoga and examine how they succeed in bringing about this annihilation of the ego in the Yogin ( one who practices yoga ). "Act without any expectations of the 'fruits' of action and the achievements shall be Supreme."  is the injunction of Geeta. Readers superficially glancing at this idea might wonder how this can be practicable Next : This theory in application  Continues....

9. All 'Yogas' ( meditation ) end in eliminating the 'ego' in the Sadhaka :

The ego in us is but a bundle of memories of our experiences lived by us in the past and our hopes to be fulfilled by us in the future. Without reference to these two, the dead past and the unborn future, if we live vitally and dynamically, the present moments in themselves, we have achieved the annihilation of the ego. The Self, (Jeevatma) living in full detachment from ego, in the Self as the Self, is the 'Samadhi state' advocated  and claimed by all the different Yogas ( not yogasanam ) as their sole and sublime goal.  All yogas end in eliminating the ego in the Sadhakas  ( Aspirants ). The Yogas advocate different methods to suit different temperments, yet their aim is the same -- Self-Realisation.  NEXT :  Paths of Yoga  Continues.... 

8. Ignorance of the rope, Knowledge of the Self, then finally :- Peace!

The 'Snake' idea  rose only in his mind. The snake born in his mind was removed when the knowledge of the rope dawned upon him. The 'snake' rose from his ignorance of the rope, and when this ignorance is removed by knowledge, the snake, born of ignorance, is removed. So too, in our ignorance of our own reality we have the superimposition in ourselves, of the ego. The ego is ended with the knowledge of the self in us. As the knowledge of the rope ended the agonies of the 'deluded' victim, so too with the knowledge of self, the painful agonies of the ego ( Jeevatma  end. Detach the ego and claim Santhi, ( peace) which is our essential nature. Next : All 'Yogas' ( meditation )   end in eliminating the 'ego' in the Sadhaka : Continues.......  

7. The methods of eliminating this ghost :

The methods of eliminating this ghost within us are the processes advocated by all religions. Every spiritual practice is an attempt at the total elimination of this shadow-nothingness within us. All Sastras serve only to teach us the unreality of the non-existent.  It is by a process of superimposition  that the unreal has come to veil the Real. Superimposition is a mental trick, a jugglery of our minds, by which it comes to misunderstand a thing to be something different from what it is in reality.  The famous example of the snake and the rope :-  In the darkness a man mistakes a rope for a snake and suffers from the false agonies of a "snake-bite."  Any amount of assurance that it is not a snake but is in fact a rope, given to the "deluded" sufferer will not comfort him. He will have to be led to the place and shown the rope.  The moment he recognises the rope, the "myth of the snake that bit him "disappears. Next : Ignorance o...

6. This ego-is in fact a Myth!

So then, this ego, is in fact a myth, a non-entity, a dream, an insubstantial nothing, a phantom, a mere false shadow. All the sorrow and mortality belong to this shadow of our own Reality.  And in our own thoughtlessness, we have surrendered ourselves to the endless tyranny of this shadow of ours lurking within ourselves. "Detach yourself from this shadow. Know your own Real self." "Kill the tyrant  within us. It will bring the real "Ramarajya"( The  Kingdom of Perfection ) in your bosoms."   This is the clarion call of Vedantha. Swami Chinmayananda. Next : The methods of eliminating this ghost : Continues......