7. The methods of eliminating this ghost :

The methods of eliminating this ghost within us are the processes advocated by all religions. Every spiritual practice is an attempt at the total elimination of this shadow-nothingness within us. All Sastras serve only to teach us the unreality of the non-existent. 

It is by a process of superimposition  that the unreal has come to veil the Real. Superimposition is a mental trick, a jugglery of our minds, by which it comes to misunderstand a thing to be something different from what it is in reality. 

The famous example of the snake and the rope :-  In the darkness a man mistakes a rope for a snake and suffers from the false agonies of a "snake-bite."  Any amount of assurance that it is not a snake but is in fact a rope, given to the "deluded" sufferer will not comfort him. He will have to be led to the place and shown the rope. 

The moment he recognises the rope, the "myth of the snake that bit him "disappears.

Next : Ignorance of the rope, Knowledge of the Self, then finally :- Peace!



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