8. Ignorance of the rope, Knowledge of the Self, then finally :- Peace!

The 'Snake' idea  rose only in his mind. The snake born in his mind was removed when the knowledge of the rope dawned upon him. The 'snake' rose from his ignorance of the rope, and when this ignorance is removed by knowledge, the snake, born of ignorance, is removed. So too, in our ignorance of our own reality we have the superimposition in ourselves, of the ego. The ego is ended with the knowledge of the self in us. As the knowledge of the rope ended the agonies of the 'deluded' victim, so too with the knowledge of self, the painful agonies of the ego ( Jeevatma  end. Detach the ego and claim Santhi, ( peace) which is our essential nature.

Next : All 'Yogas' ( meditation )   end in eliminating the 'ego' in the Sadhaka :



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