Monday, September 12, 2022. 08:00.
Khandam X : V - Avidya, VI. Three Avasthas, VII. Moksha.
V. Avidya :
Disciple: What is the cause of superimposition or Adhyasa?
Guru: Avidya or ignorance.
Disciple: What is the Adhara or Adhishthana for Avidya?
Guru: Brahman.
Disciple: How can Avidya remain in pure Brahman.
Guru: It is Anirvachaneeya. From the viewpoint of the Absolute there is neither Jiva nor
Avidya nor the five sheaths. Avidya exists only for the Jiva.
Disciple: What is the other name for Avidya?
Guru: Anandamaya Kosha or Karanasarira of Jiva or individual soul.
Disciple: What does Avidya consist of?
Guru: It consists of Vasanas and Samskaras. The impression of the whole Sanchita Karma
of all your past births are lodged there.
VI. Three Avasthas :
Disciple: What are the three Avasthas?
Guru: Jagrat Avastha (waking state), Svapna Avastha (dreaming state), Sushupti Avastha
(deep sleep state).
Disciple: What is meant by Avastha?
Guru: Avastha means a state.
Disciple: What is Jagrat Avastha?
Guru: It is the state of waking consciousness. That state in which objects are known through
the senses is known as Jagrat.
Disciple: What is Svapna Avastha?
Guru: That state in which objects are perceived through the impressions produced during
waking state is called Svapna or dreaming state. The consciousness of the subtle, inner, subjective
Prapancha or world, which during the quiescence of the sense-organs arises in the form of the
percipient and object of perception by virtue of the latent impressions of what is seen and heard in
Jagrat is Svapna.
Disciple: What is Sushupti?
Guru: That state in which there is total absence of knowledge of objects is deep sleep state.
It is a remembrance in Jagrat state of the kind of experience, “I enjoyed sound sleep. I knew
VII. Moksha :
Disciple: What is the nature of Moksha?
Guru: Sarvaduhkhanivritti (removal of all kinds of pain), and Paramanandaprapti
(attainment of Supreme, imperishable, eternal Bliss of Brahman).
Disciple: What does Brahmajnana do?
Guru: It destroys Avidya and its effects (Karya), viz., the bodies and the whole Samsara. It
frees you from the miseries of birth and death. It makes you absolutely fearless, free and
independent. All your doubts like “whether I am body or Prana or Buddhi” will vanish in toto. You
will become Anamaya, free from disease, old age and death. You will have no fear of death or
enemies. You will shine as the effulgent, resplendent Purusha Supreme
Khandam X ENDS HERE.
To be continued ...