======================================================================== ======================================================================== Monday, September 12, 2022. 08:00. Khandam X : V - Avidya, VI. Three Avasthas, VII. Moksha. Post-37. ======================================================================== V. Avidya : Disciple: What is the cause of superimposition or Adhyasa? Guru: Avidya or ignorance. Disciple: What is the Adhara or Adhishthana for Avidya? Guru: Brahman. Disciple: How can Avidya remain in pure Brahman. Guru: It is Anirvachaneeya. From the viewpoint of the Absolute there is neither Jiva nor Avidya nor the five sheaths. Avidya exists only for the Jiva. Disciple: What is the other name for Avidya? Guru: Anandamaya Kosha or Karanasarira of Jiva or individual soul. Disciple: What does Avidya consist of? Guru: It consists of Vasanas and Samskaras. The impression of the whole Sanchita Karma of all your past births are lodged there. --------------...