Monday, August 22, 2022. 07:30.
Khandam X : IV. Adhyaropa Apavada
IV. Adhyaropa Apavada :
Disciple: What is the relation between the Kosha and the Atman?
Guru: Anyonya-Adhyasa.
Disciple: What is Anyonya-Adhyasa
Guru: Anyonya-Adhyasa is mutual superimposition. The attributes of the five sheaths are
superimposed on the Atman. The attributes of the sheaths, e.g., change pain, etc., are falsely
attributed to the pure soul or the Atman. The attributes of the Pure Atman such as Existence,
Knowledge, Bliss, Purity, Consciousness are transferred to the five sheaths.
Disciple: What is Adhyaropa?
Guru: Adhyaropa is superimposition. Just as the snake is superimposed on the rope, the five
Koshas are superimposed on the Atman.
Disciple: What is Apavadayukti?
Guru: It is sublation or negation of the five sheaths through “neti-neti” doctrine.
Disciple: What are the Shad Urmis?
Guru: Birth and death (for the physical body), hunger and thirst (for the Pranamaya Kosha),
grief and delusion (Soka and Moha) for the Manomaya Kosha.
Disciple: Why are they called Urmis?
Guru: Just as there are waves in the ocean, these Shad Urmis are the waves in the ocean of
this Samsara.
Disciple: How to develop the Vijnanamaya Kosha?
Guru: Through Viveka (discrimination), Vichara (enquiry), meditation on Atman, Japa of
Omkara, etc.
Disciple: What will be the use of this purified and developed Vijnanamaya Kosha?
Guru: It will serve as a fortress to prevent coming in of sensual Samskaras from without and
prevent the Samskaras of the Anandamaya Kosha or Karana Sarira from coming outside, it will
help you to enter into profound meditation and Atma Vichara.
Next- V - Avidya
To be continued ...