

Wednesday, June 01, 2022. 06:00.

Khandam X : I. The Three Bodies : Their Enumeration



I. The Three Bodies : Their Enumeration

(The individual experiencer is a consciousness-centre enveloped by several layers of matter

existing as the factors causing objective awareness in it. The analysis of these layers or bodies is

necessary to ascertain the nature of the true Self.)

Hari Om. Om Sat-Guru-Paramatmane Namah.

Disciple: How many bodies are there in an individual (Jiva)?

Guru: There are three bodies in every individual (Jiva).

Disciple: Please name them.

Guru: The physical body or the gross body (Sthula Sarira), the astral body or the subtle body

(Sukshma Sarira or Lingadeha) and the causal body or the seed body (Karanasarira) are the three


Disciple: Please illustrate them.

Guru: The shell of a tamarind corresponds to the physical body. The pulp represents the

subtle body. The seed corresponds to the causal body. Ice represents the physical body. H2O

represents the subtle body. The Tanmatras or root-elements correspond to the causal body.


1.The Gross Body

Manas or mind, Buddhi or intellect, Chitta or the subconscious and Ahamkara or the ego. It is a

means of enjoying pleasure and pain.

Disciple: When will this subtle body get dissolved?

Guru: It gets dissolved in Videha Mukti or disembodied Liberation.

Disciple: What are the components of the physical body?

Guru: The physical body is composed of five elements, viz., earth (Prithvi), water (Apah),

fire (Tejas), air (Vayu) and space (Akasa).

Disciple: What are the seven primary essences (Sapta-Dhatus) of the physical body?

Guru: Chyle (Rasa), blood (Asra), flesh (Mamsa), fat (Medas), bone (Asthi), marrow

(Majja) and semen (Sukla), are the seven primary essences of the physical body.

Disciple: What are the Shad-bhava-vikaras (six modifications of the body)?

Guru: Asti (existence), Jayate (birth), Vardhate (growth), Viparinamate (change),

Apaksheeyate (decay), Vinashyate (death), are the six modifications or changes of the body.

Disciple: What are the links with which the body is connected?

Guru: The body (Deha), action (Karma), love and hate (Raga-dvesha), egoism (Ahamkara),

non-discrimination (Aviveka) and ignorance (Ajnana) are the seven links of the chain of Samsara

(world-experience). From Ajnana (ignorance), Aviveka is born. Aviveka is non-discrimination

between the real and the unreal. From Aviveka is born Ahamkara or egoism; from egoism is born

Raga-dvesha (like and dislike); from Raga-dvesha Karma (action) arises; from Karma the body or

the Deha is produced. If you want to free yourself from the pain of birth and death, destroy

ignorance (Ajnana), the root cause of this Samsara (world-experience), through the attainment of

the Knowledge of Brahman or the Absolute. When ignorance is removed, all the other links will be

broken by themselves. This physical body of yours is the result of your past actions and is the seat of

your enjoyment of pleasure and pain.

Disciple: Why is the body called Sarira or Deha?

Guru: Because the body decays (Sheeryate) on account of old age, it is called Sarira.

Because it is cremated or burnt (Dahyate) it is called Deha.


2.The Subtle Body :

Disciple: What is the composition of the subtle body?

Guru: The subtle body is composed of nineteen principles (Tattvas), viz., five Jnana

Indriyas or organs of knowledge, five Karma Indriyas or organs of action, five Pranas or vital airs,

Manas or mind, Buddhi or intellect, Chitta or the subconscious and Ahamkara or the ego. It is a

means of enjoying pleasure and pain.

Disciple: When will this subtle body get dissolved?

Guru: It gets dissolved in Videha Mukti or disembodied Liberation.


3.The Causal Body :

Disciple: What is the causal body (Karana Sarira)?

Guru: The beginningless ignorance that is indescribable is called the causal body. It is the

cause of the gross and the subtle bodies.

Disciple: How can I transcend the three bodies?

Guru: Identify yourself with the All-pervading, Eternal Atman. Stand as a witness (Sakshi)

of all experiences. Know that the Atman is always like a king—distinct from the body, organs, vital

breaths, mind, intellect, ego and Prakriti—the Witness of their attributes.



Next - II. The Five Sheaths :

To be continued ....



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