

Tuesday, May 17, 2022. 18:00.

Khandam X :

Siva Jnana Amrita Upanishad : Mantram - 17 to 20. Ends & BASES OF VEDANTA : Introduction : Begins



Mantram - 17. 

j¤ànàdhigame karmaõàü pravilayaþ | j¤àninaþ pràrabdhakarmàpi na vidyate || 17 ||

17. When one gets Jnana, all Karmas are destroyed. There is no Prarabdha (fructifying)

Karma for a Jnani.


Mantram- 18.

jivata eva j¤àninaþ turãyàtãtada÷àyàü videhamuktirbhavati || 18 ||

18. Videha Mukti comes when a Jnani is living. A Jnani gets disembodied salvation (Videha

Mukti) when he enters the state of Turiyatita, the Absolute.



traikàlikaü j¤ànaü sarvato nirbhayatà, sarvathà niùkàmatà,

kathaücidapi pãóànadhigamaþ, samatàdçùñiþdvandveùu samatà,

atyànanda÷okàdyagocaratà, ityàdãni ligàni jãvanmuktasya || 19 ||

19. The chief marks (Lingas) of a Jivanmukta are knowledge of the past, present and future,

absolute fearlessness, absolute desireless, absolute painlessness, equal vision, balanced mind,

freedom from exhilaration and depression, etc.



na janmamçtyå na bandhamokùai na sàdhanasamàdhã na dhyàtçdhyeyau

na mumukùumuktai ityetadeva pàramàrthikaü tattvam || 20 ||

20. There is neither birth nor death, neither bondage nor freedom, neither Sadhana nor Samadhi, neither meditator nor meditated, neither seeker after liberation nor liberated—this  is the ultimate truth.

Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti!


NEXT - BASES OF VEDANTA : Introduction :

The purpose of life is the realisation of one’s own essential nature. It is to know that you are

the pure ever-free Atman. The Vedanta expounds the great truth that Atman alone is real, the

phenomenal world is unreal. You are Atman, but you forget your real Svarupa due to 

identification with the body. This is called Deha-Adhyasa. This is the greatest obstacle to Self-

Knowledge or Atma-Jnana. To get over this delusion of identification with body the Vedantic 

Seers have made a detailed analysis of the different bodies, gross and subtle, and 

systematically proved that the Jiva is not the body but is identical with the Paramatman. The 

study of the three bodies, the five sheaths and the three states of waking, dream and deep 

sleep, helps man to understand that he is different from all these diverse modifications and 

that he is the unchanging, constant, witness of all these.

This helps him to feel that he transcends the three states, the three bodies and the Pancha koshas.

Constant remembrance of this and meditation on this knowledge will lead him to the

realisation of his Atma-svarupa. Therefore, the study of the Pancha koshas is a valuable aid in 

the process of disassociating yourself from the bodies and the sheaths. It enables you to rise 

above body-consciousness, to feel that you are the Atman and thus remain quite unaffected 

and unattached amidst all distractions and tribulations of life.


Next -  I. The Three Bodies & 1. Their Enumeration

To be continued ....



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