

Thursday, February 10, 2022. 19:00.

Khanda X :

Siva Jnana Amrita Upanishad :





Om! O gods! may we, with our ears, hear what is auspicious! O ye, fit to be worshipped!

May we, with our eyes, see what is auspicious! May we enjoy the life allotted to us by the gods,

offering our praise with our bodies strong of limbs!

Om Peace Peace Peace!ed!


Mantram : 1.

yadetatràmaråpàtmakaü jagat tadàbhàsamàtram |

na tad brahmaõaþ purastàt pratitiùñhati |

rajjusarpanyàyena brahmaõi jagato.adhyàsaþdehàdhayàyasa÷ca || 1 ||

1. This world of names and forms is a mere appearance. It has no independent existence apart from Brahman. Just as a snake is superimposed on the rope, this world and body are superimposed on Brahman


Mantram : 2.

yathà rajjuj¤ànàt sarpabhrantirnivartate saha tanmålena bhayena tathà

brahmaj¤ànànnivartate.avidyà sahaiva janimaraõabhayena || 2 ||

2. Just as knowledge of a rope removes the illusion of a snake in the rope and the consequent fear, so also the knowledge of the Self (Brahman) removes Avidya or ignorance and the fear of birth and death.


Mantram : 3.

tad brahma tat saccidànandasvaråpaü svayaüjyotirnityaü anàdyantaü

nirvikàraü amçtaü abhayaü niraüjanam || 3 ||

3. Brahman is Sat-Chit-Ananda Svarupa. It is self-luminous (Svayam-Jyoti). It is eternal (Nityam), beginningless (Anadi), endless (Ananta), changeless (Nirvikara), deathless (Amritam), fearless (Abhayam) and spotless (Niranjana).


Mantram : 4.

nirguõaü niràkàraü nirvi÷eùaü akhaõóaü nirupàdhikaü

ekamevàdvitãyaü svatantraü nityamuktaü paripårõam || 4 |

4. Brahman is attributeless (Nirguna), formless, (Nirakara), without special characteristics (Nirvisesha), without parts (Akhanda), without any limiting adjunct (Nirupadhika), one without a second (Ekam evadvitiyam), independent (Svatantra), ever free (Nitya-mukta) and all-full (Paripurna).


Mantram : 5.

5. Sarãratrayavyatiriktaü, pa¤cako÷ebhyaþ pçthak,

avasthàtrayasàkùibhåtaü, triguõàtãtaü, dvandva nirmuktam |

saccidànandàtmakaü, sarvatrasàrabhåtaü,

antaþkaraõasya yoniþ tathaþ pràõendriya÷arãràõàü asya ca jagataþ || 5 ||

5. Brahman is distinct from the three bodies and five sheaths (Koshas). He is the silent witness of the three states. He transcends the three Gunas and the pairs of opposites. He is an embodiment of Sat-Chit-Ananda. He is the essence or Swarupa. He is the source or womb for the ind, Prana, Indriyas, body and this world.


To be continued ......



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