
Saturday, May 30, 2020.
1. Introduction - 13..
13. The Projection Of The World

In summer the whole earth is parched. As soon as there is a shower the seeds sprout and
plants come out. They were in an unmanifested state (Avyakta) before the rains. Even so the world which is in a manifested state had an unmanifested state and will become unmanifest again. It has come out of Maya, the causal body of Isvara, and will return to it in the end.

The earth, water, fire, air and ether are all productions of Maya. Water is more subtle and
pervasive than earth. Fire is more subtle and pervasive than water. Air is more subtle and pervasive than fire. Akasa is more subtle and pervasive than air.


If you keep some jasmine flowers on your table, the aroma or fragrance spreads throughout
the room. The fragrance is more pervasive than the flower. The flower is in one spot, but the
fragrance pervades the atmosphere. The moisture of vapour is more pervasive than the earth. Sun’s light is more pervasive than water. Akasa which is the mother-substance for the other four Tattvas is all-pervading. All the four elements are rooted in the all-pervading Akasa.

From Brahman or the Supreme Being sprang the five elements. Akasa was born first. Akasa
is ether or space. It is Akasa or space that is the abode for the four other elements. It is the vessel or the container. There was Gati or motion in Akasa. That motion is Vayu or air. There was heat during motion of air. Fire was born from air. Fire cannot burn without air. Fire cooled and became water. Water solidified and became earth.
Next :14. The Sheaths Of The Body
To be continued ...



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