========================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, May 30, 2020. 1. Introduction - 13.. 13. The Projection Of The World ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. In summer the whole earth is parched. As soon as there is a shower the seeds sprout and plants come out. They were in an unmanifested state (Avyakta) before the rains. Even so the world which is in a manifested state had an unmanifested state and will become unmanifest again. It has come out of Maya, the causal body of Isvara, and will return to it in the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The earth, water, fire, air and ether are all productions of Maya. Water is more subtle and pervasive than earth. Fire is more subtle and pervasive than water. Air is more subtle and pervasive than fire. Akasa is more subtle and pervasive t...