What is Knowledge :- 10.13

10.The Stages of Samadhi- 13.

Now, Sage Patanjali tells us it is possible for us to enter into the essence of the object, as we have been able to enter into our own essence and come to the conclusion that there is something in us which is not so involved in space and time. This contemplation of any particular thing as something in itself, not involved in space and time, would be to attempt at a union with that object. What prevents us from coming in union with anything?

It is the externality of the object. That which is outside is always outside – it cannot become something that is inside – and, as we have noted, the outsideness of a thing is the spatio-temporality of that thing, or the conditioned character of that thing in space. So, the freedom of the object from the thought of involvement in space and time is at once the grasping of the eternal principle that is in that object. And eternity is not temporality; it is not time, it is not space.

But you may ask me, “How do I do this, finally? What is it that you expect me to do? Here again comes the question of a personal training and a position which is called initiation. The mind has to be first of all prepared for this instruction. If a very subtle and intricate method of thinking is forced on an unprepared mind, what will happen is that either no consequence will follow – nothing will happen at all, as nothing will happen to the rock if we pour water on it, as water will not enter into it – or there can be an undesirable reaction set up by the mind.

There can be aberration of thought because of the unpreparedness of the mind. Such subtle thinking cannot be forced into the mind of any person unless it is prepared for it, and it is well known that the preparatory stages are very carefully defined for us in the earlier stages of yoga, known as the yamas and niyamas, and the sadhana chatushtaya, etc. The internal preparation of the psyche for the reception of this technique is important, lest the mind find itself totally incompetent and unprepared for this purpose.

To be continued ..
Swami Krishnananda with his Guru Swami Sivananda


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