What is Knowledge :- 10.12

10.The Stages of Samadhi- 12.

The Yoga Sutra, or any system of yoga, catches hold of this point. If there is something in us which knows the involvement of things in space and time, and therefore that something in us cannot itself be part and parcel of space and time, this can also be said to be the essence of every other object.

If we can consider ourselves essentially as something not in space and time, anyone else also can think in the same way, and all objects in the world – even an atom, even a particle of sand – can be thought of in terms of something by itself, and capable of being known as not involved in space and time.

This non-involved something which knows the involvements in space and time is the eternity that is speaking through temporality. The eternal something in us speaks in its own style that everything is temporally involved, and the knowledge of temporality cannot itself be a part of temporality.

This eternity that is in someone is also the eternity that is in everyone else. Thus, we may say the whole universe is basically eternal – essentially, of course, not as it appears phenomenally, as an involved something.

To be continued ...
Swami Krishnananda


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