What is Knowledge : Ch-9-5.


Chapter 9: Yoga Meditation -5.

The point is not in what environment we are.

The point is how we are able to get on with this environment.

But if there is a perpetual rub which we feel between ourselves and our environment, it is something for us to think deeply upon why this situation should arise at all.

There is a vehemence on both sides : - the environment refuses to adjust itself to our way of living, and our way of living refuses to adjust itself with the environment.

Both sides assert a sort of individuality of their own, and this affirmation is from two parties which are somehow related to each other for important reasons.

The irreconcilability of the circumstances of two sides, which are really not two sides literally, is the conflict of life.

It is the problem of existence, and it is the sorrow of man.

This is solved, or is attempted to be solved, by what people call yoga or pinpoint as the way of meditation.

Swami Krishnananda
   To be continued ....



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