What is Knowledge : Ch-6-12.

Chapter- 6:- Being in Balance with the World-12.

However, the point is, again, the maintenance of a balance in the inner constituents of your personality as a preparatory step to maintain a balance with the world of nature; and yoga will expect from you much more than these little prescriptions because yoga will end in meditation and samadhi – which is not merely your tentative feeling of attunement with nature, but a total absorption in it, such that nature becomes not merely your friend, but inseparable from your existence.

The Yoga System, as propounded by Patanjali, goes into such ecstatic reaches of experience that your inner layers get tuned up with the inner layers of the cosmos in such an intensive manner that you begin to feel that you are not any more a human being, not a man or a woman, not ‘this’ or ‘that’, but a particle of nature, a wave of nature, a vibration of nature, a pressure point of natural energies.

You are not a human being as you are imagining yourself to be. In the ultimate reaches which are called samadhis, you cease to be a human being.

You become something which is a part of the cosmic setup of things.

You cannot regard a part of nature as a human being.

The humanity that you are speaking of is only a social interpretation and understanding of that which is super-social and super-individual.

The particles, the atoms, the waves, the energies, the vibrations, are not human.

They have nothing human in them. They are impersonal energies like electric energy, which cannot be called a man or a woman, and yet it is more than what you call humanity.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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