What is Knowledge : Ch-6-5.

Chapter- 6:- Being in Balance with the World-5.

Even Newton, the great man, believed that space and time have no connection with the world of nature, that the world of nature is the visible concrete substance physically felt – earth, water, fire, and perhaps air.

But today we are awakened by these observant minds that space and time, which do not appear to have any related connection with the visible forms of nature, are involved in the very substance of physical nature.

Space and time are not outside the mountains and the rivers; they are internally woven with the very substantiality, the very existence of what are called the visible elements, to such an extent that scientists are forced to believe that even these so-called hard earthy material objects such as brick and stone, table and chair, and so on, are only configurations of space-time.

You will be flabbergasted to hear that a hard brick which can break your head is made up of only space-time.

How is it possible? Well, this is a matter for you to go into detail as a sort of diversion, at least.

The idea is that subtle features are the causes of gross things.

According to the Indian cosmological system also, space is not emptiness.

It is only the child’s mind that believes that space is unconnected with physical objects and our physical bodies.

Cosmological doctrines of Indian philosophy hold that there was an evolutionary process of the physical elements.

Space was the first element, and time went with it.

A vibration that was set up in what is called space became motion, and got condensed into what is called air.

Space, time and motion are the original existences in physical nature.

Motion does not mean motion of some physical object; it is a vibration, and it should not be connected with hard substances.

Electricity is not a hard substance like a brick which you can touch and feel, but you know that it exists as something more powerful than even solid bricks and steel rods.

Therefore, vibrations are not ethereal abstractions; they can produce stronger effects than even steel rods or nuggets of hard substances.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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