What is Knowledge : Ch-6-2.

Chapter- 6:- Being in Balance with the World-2.

The point behind the practice of yoga exercises, which I tried to dilate upon in some way previously, is actually intensely practical. You may be wondering why you should be seated in a particular posture, why there should be a prescription for a pose of the body in yoga, and why it matters what pose you are in.

This question arises on account of not properly grasping the relationship between the physical and physiological components of our personality with physical nature outside. We have an ingrained and inveterate habit of convincing ourselves that we have practically nothing to do with the world of nature outside.

“What on Earth have I to do with the Sun, Moon and stars? What does it mean to me if the mountain is there outside, if the river is flowing or the Earth is under my feet? I am in no way concerned with these things.”

This may be the feeling of the untutored individual. But nature – the physical universe – is not so very unrelated to us as we may imagine.

Usually, with the equipment of ordinary academic understanding, this knowledge of the inner relationship of ours with the physical universe would not be practicable.

Any amount of theoretical learning will not tell us what sort of connection we have with the world of nature, because this relationship is not visible to the eyes.
Those who believe only in what they see with their eyes are thoroughly mistaken in their judgment of things, because the greatest principles governing existence are invisible to the eyes.

The visible forms of operation are the least aspects of the law that operates in the universe. The vital elements in nature are not direct objects of sense perception.

People who are totally wedded to sense activity are likely to think that the world of nature is unconnected with them, which is not true.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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