What is Knowledge : Ch-5-23.

Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-23.

You must know, therefore, that yoga exercises are not like outdoor games.

They are not a public performance of any kind of known exercises. It is an internal dedication that you are performing.

There is a total difference between yoga physical exercises and exercises in the form of games in the field outside.

Thus, even a yoga asana is a worship of God.

It becomes a divine activity on your part because your physical body is not outside you, and you are not outside that which the universe is and that which is the ultimate controlling principle of the universe.

Yoga is all life put together, and not merely one part of your life.

Hence, through the media of the performance of yoga exercises, and other systems known as pranayama, pratyahara, etc., you are gradually tuning your internal layers – together with the body, of course – with the corresponding internal layers of the universe.

In every level of your attunement, you are one with the law of the universe, so there cannot be a moment's unhappiness for you.

Unhappiness is a chimera; it cannot be.

The world exists as an embodiment of great joy.

As the Upanishads are never tired of telling us, ananda, bliss, is the root of this universe and, therefore, the outcome of this ananda cannot be duhkha.

Duhka appears to be present as a sort of evil due to a maladjustment of our personality with the requirements of the cosmos.

Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-ENDS.

NEXT :  Chapter 6: Being in Balance with the World

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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