What is Knowledge : Ch-5-19.


Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-19.

So dharma or righteousness is of two types, known as vishesha dharma and samanya dharma.

Abidance to law, which is relative to historical, social, or political conditions is vishesha dharma, and abidance to the law that is eternally operating in the whole of the cosmos is known as samanya dharma.

While the way of living of people in different times and climes may vary according to these times and climes, there is a general regulating principle behind humanity as a whole.

Though it is true that one person need not necessarily think identically like another person, there is a basic equality of human ideology and aspiration.

So there is a vishesha dharma, or a particular requirement of the time, and there is a basic conditioning factor which is the inviolable dharma, or what is sometimes called sanatana dharma.

It is operative eternally and works with impunity with everything throughout the cosmos, and it decides what sort of relative expression this law has to take under historical conditions that change from time to time.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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