What is Knowledge : Ch-5-8.

Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-8.

All relations are impermanent.

Why they are impermanent is a very difficult theme, into which we need not enter just now.

It is enough for the time being to know that it is impossible for anyone to know things as they really are unless there is a means of knowing things as they really are.

Nothing that is perceptible or cognitional – nothing that is related to mere sensory activity or even mental operation –

can be considered as a proper means here in this objective,

because all these instruments of knowledge that we have,

the mind included, maintain a sort of knowledge position in respect of things by a mediate connection that they establish between themselves and the object.

It is not an immediate relationship; it is a mediate relationship.

An outward link is created in order that an object may be known in terms of this link,

so that what is known is not the object as it is in itself,

but only a feature that is coloured by the character or the nature of the means or the link that is between oneself and the object.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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