What is Knowledge : Ch-5-11.

Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-11.

The thing that you are cannot be merely the body.

Even a person with a little common sense will know this.

I just mentioned casually, through the analogy of happiness and unhappiness, that the bodily happiness need not be your happiness, and the bodily unhappiness need not be your unhappiness.

Even if surgeons cut off limbs of the body, which cannot be regarded as happiness of the body, a person can still be happy; and a person can be in a condition of a total ruin, for other internal reasons, even if the body is perfectly healthy.

Thus, our life is more internal than external.

Our external life appears to be a very great thing for us because of the fact that the internal factors do not intrude much.

It is something like our feeling very happy and satisfied merely because our creditors do not show their faces.

A debtor may be happy as long as the creditor does not show his face, but when he shows his face, immediately the debtor's face falls, and the reason for his unhappiness is very clear.

The outward show of joy vanishes in a moment when internal factors displace themselves and create an imbalance in the system.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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