What is Knowledge : Ch-5- 5.

Chapter 5: Maintaining One's Position-5.

What sort of existence is evil?

This is not clear to us.

The enigmatic term 'existence' can cut like a double-edged sword; it can take us both this way and that way.

And the existence that we attribute to our own selves in our operations in daily life is mostly an artificially concocted related existence, not a substantive in the proper sense of the term.

A thing that stands merely because it is related to something else, really does not stand by itself. Most of our relationships are the very values of our life.

What we consider as worthwhile and valuable in life is that which has been produced out of a kind of relationship that we establish with something else – a contact that there is between ourselves and others.

There is, for instance, political importance, economic importance, social importance, or any kind of value that you attribute to your own self in relation to something else – which means to say, inasmuch as you are subservient to something else by means of your hanging on to it by relation, the values that you obtain in this world are also hollow.

They are not substantives; they cannot stand on themselves.

Thus, mankind today may be said to be living a totally artificial life which is bereft of any significance – bereft of significance because of the fact that it seems to be hanging on something else for its substance.

Therefore, we say the world is relative, and not absolute.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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