What is Knowledge : Ch-4. Part-19.

Chapter 4 : Yoga – An Integration of Consciousness.


This is an unfounded hypothesis because it appears that the world is finally not made in such a way that things are alien foreigners before you, whom you have to look upon with a suspicious attitude; so why do you experiment on a thing?

It is not possible to assume this sort of classical scientific attitude in yoga in respect of the world, because you are in the world, as I mentioned sometime back.
But the scientist is not in the object.

This is very unfortunate for him.

He, now, today realises, perhaps, that he is also in the object to some extent, which has broken down the foundations of classical physics and landed our scientist friend in a new field of knowledge, where he has been compelled to awaken himself to a vista of 'objects' – which, far from being totally disconnected or unconnected from him, are such that he is participating in their very existence.

While once upon a time science, or even commonsense, might have told us that we have to deal with the world, now we are told that we are not going to deal with the world; we have to participate in the world.

The world participates with us to the extent we will be able to participate in it.

The world is our friend to the extent we are its friend; and we know very well that in a true state of friendship, the differentiation in thinking usually noticed between two persons ceases, and two minds think as one mind.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  .....


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