What is Knowledge : Ch-4. Part-9.

Chapter 4 : Yoga – An Integration of Consciousness.


There is no relation whatsoever; it is a relationless widening of the dimension of our being.

When we widen our dimension, we exist as a non-separate, indivisible, secure something, and not merely in a state of artificial extension of our dimension – as is the case with a rich man, for instance, or a political ruler whose jurisdiction or dimension of existence is artificially expanded to the extent of the area of his operation.

A king or a political administrator is integrated very, very artificially with the area which he rules, and the rich man is artificially integrated to the extent which his wealth can go.

But no one can possess wealth, because the wealth is something outside the consciousness of one's being.

The possession of wealth and the security that one feels in its possession is totally artificial, because one can be dispossessed of it in a second.

So is the case with land, property, and political power.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ..


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