What is Knowledge : Ch-4. Part-13.

Chapter 4 : Yoga – An Integration of Consciousness.


If this had not been the case, we would be totally satisfied with everything that we have and anything that we are; there would be no need to think anything or do anything, and there would be no needs of any kind at all.

But the world is full of needs, and it is nothing but that.

The needs arise on account of the fact that our existence is finite, and we want to break through this finitude by any method that is available to us.

But all these methods that we employed, and we are employing now in the pursuit of a non-finite being of ourselves, have failed throughout history.

Yoga has a new method altogether, and that method finally hinges upon what is called meditation.

It is, of course, the last stage in yoga, but it has its impact upon the lower stages also.

Though the finale of the education career is the achievement of some perfection in one's personality, the characteristics of the educational process have something to do with even the lowest stage of education.

They are not unconnected.

The means is not unrelated to the end.

So, whether it is meditation or the inner communion with Ultimate Reality that yoga is, this ultimate aim has its characteristics impressed upon the lower stages of yoga also.

In a way, therefore, the final structure of the universe or the ultimate nature of Reality has very much concern with the lowest level of experience.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ..


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