What is Knowledge : Ch-4. Part-10.

Chapter 4 : Yoga – An Integration of Consciousness.


The power of yoga is a different thing altogether.

It is a power which is identical with our very existence itself, and not because people have voted for us as a political leader.

It is not a political power that we are wielding, because we can be rid of it in a moment if we get fewer vote.

So is the case with wealth of any kind.

We can be robbed of all the wealth we have, and we will be a pauper in a moment.

But the power of yoga is that of which we cannot be dispossessed at any time.

Our strength lies not in what we possess, but in what we are.

Yoga is, therefore, that sort of integration of being, whereby our state of existence – what we 'are' – becomes larger than it is now.

We are something more than what we are now.

Remember these words.

We do not become larger by possession or by reaching up to a distant space by travelling geographically or astronomically.

The power of yoga is the power of our being itself. It arises on account of what we are, and not what we have.

What we have has no sense, because we really cannot have anything in this world, since nothing can be possessed in the sense of an external object

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ..


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