What is Knowledge : Ch-3. Part-23.
Chapter-3. A Philosophic Outlook of Life
The problems which require an answer are widespread questions and widespread problems.
They are not in Japan; they are not in India; they are not in America.
The problem is the intricate, inexplicable relationship of the individual with the Total Whole.
Therefore, we can get truth everywhere, and we can have a problem of the same kind everywhere.
The same problem is everywhere, and the same answer can be envisaged and elicited from any part of the world.
We can touch a person by touching any part of the body of that person – any part is that person only.
Similarly, since the whole world is one single organic entity, we can be anywhere; it is as if we are everywhere.
This is a new vision which would be worthwhile for us to entertain, because we would realise that even the possibility of entertaining such a wholesome, holistic vision of things brings us a new kind of satisfaction –
a satisfaction that arises from the very fact of it being possible for us to have a total vision of things.
It is not a satisfaction that comes merely by eating, drinking and sleeping.
It comes merely by 'knowing' that this is so.
Knowledge itself is satisfaction.
Next : Chapter 4 : Yoga – An Integration of Consciousness.
Swami Krishnananda
To be continued ...