What is Knowledge : Ch-3. Part-20.
Chapter-3. A Philosophic Outlook of Life
This is very important for us to know.
The events of the world are not taking place only outside us, as if we are unconnected.
I mentioned previously that we are also in this world.
So, when we speak of events in life, phenomena of nature, activities of the world, we do not mean something happening unconnected with us.
All happenings have connections with us also, because we are also part of the world, whatever be our idea of the world.
We may call it the social world, the political world or natural world of physics and astronomy, but we are a part of the environment we call 'this world'.
Hence, events cannot take place except in connection and interconnection of parts belonging to a whole; and if we are really wise and intelligent enough to understand the circumstances of life, we will realise that no particular person or thing is the cause of anything.
There is an interconnection of causative factors.
This is so because the world is one single entity; it is not made up of unconnected parts.
It is a living body, something like our own body.
Any event in any part of our body is an event occurring in the whole body.
Swami Krishnananda
To be continued ...