What is Knowledge : Ch-3. Part-8.

Chapter-3. A Philosophic Outlook of Life


We will never be satisfied unless we know the ultimate meaning of things.

"Why all this?" "What is all this?"

These questions come to our mind.

"What is the matter?"

We go on asking, but no answer comes.

"Why do we do anything at all?" "Why should anyone do anything?" "What is the matter with people?" "Why are they so busy?" "Why do they run?"

People run physically, as well as mentally.

"What has happened to people?" "Why do they not keep quiet?"

They cannot keep quiet because the pressures inwardly felt in the psyche, as well as felt from outside – from society and nature – compel them to be very vigilant and active, perpetually.

These questions arise.

They are a set of one type of question.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ...


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