What is Knowledge : Ch-3. Part-2.
Chapter-3. A Philosophic Outlook of Life
A mind is necessary for some important reason, because without it there can be no coordination between seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, etc.
Something is seeing, something is hearing; what is the connection?
We feel that one and the same person can see, hear, touch, smell, and taste: "I am seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching."
The eyes cannot say, "We are hearing."
The ears cannot say, "We are seeing."
How is it possible to bring together, into a blend of synthesis, these various sensations of seeing, hearing, etc.?
That peculiar central operation inside, which not only receives all these reports of the senses at the same time, but harmonises them into a single cognition – that internal operation is the mind.
It does not seem to be doing anything more than this.
It does not seem that we are thinking in a more qualitative way than we are seeing, hearing, etc.
The quality of thinking does not seem to be superior to the way of seeing or hearing.
Our thinking is also mostly sensory.
Swami Krishnaanda
To be continued ...