What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-19.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


First of all, the world is very large, very wide.

Secondly, it is very deep.

Both these factors are important.

How will we in a few days, a few months or even a few years of our little life in this world, with this inadequate instrument of our poor understanding, know the width of the world, the vastness of the cosmos, and the depth of things?

So, the primary quality of a real student is a humility that is born of the understanding of the magnitude of the truths of things.

The world is so deep, vast and magnificent that we are humbled by the very sight of it.

Even when we see an elephant, we look very small.

We cannot go near it.

We feel miserable by the very sight of it.

We feel very small before the huge dashing waves of the Atlantic or the Pacific.

We are frightened by a huge conflagration or even a cyclonic blow.

There are things in the world, even before our eyes, which sometimes make us feel that our strengths are nothing before these natural forces.

We seem to be very important, but that importance can be wiped out in one second if the nature unleashes her forces – even by the wind that blows, let alone other things.

A strong wind is sufficient to make us realise where we are.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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