What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-27.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


This is something very difficult, but unavoidable.

You cannot miss it, because all meaning – any meaning that can be anywhere in anything in life – is the meaning of this knowledge, which nobody can gainsay.

Nobody can say "I do not want it" and nobody can say "I do not understand."

You have to understand, if you have to live.

Otherwise, you will find yourself in a condition where you will be forced by the powers of nature to learn by the instruments of pain, which it can inflict upon you.

Education need not necessarily be painful.

We learn things by pain also, but why should we learn only by pain?

Is there no other way of knowing?

Can you not know things by being good and humble and receptive?

Do you want to be beaten up and kicked aside, and then learn lessons?

If you are not going to be humble and intelligently receptive to the necessity for a true educational career, you will be forced into this condition by the powers of nature, one day or the other.

Therefore, it is necessary and wise on your part to be prepared for a new type of knowledge and education, which itself is a great gain for you – and you would not want anything else in this world afterwards.

That possession, that Knowledge itself, will be the greatest possession.

Here, you have to understand what this Knowledge is, in order that Knowledge itself is everything in the world.

Such is the importance of these studies.

So, I request you to ponder over these issues, and be humble, good children.

Chapter : The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :  ENDS.

Next : Chapter-3. A Philosophic Outlook of Life

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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