What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-21.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


Most of the students these days go to educational institutions with a 'don't care' attitude, and an attitude of having known things already, sometimes more than even the teacher knows; therefore, it becomes a mockery, an utter failure, and a waste of energy, landing everyone in a catastrophe.

This is the picture the world is presenting before us every day.

It is a failure, a catastrophe, and a hopelessness.

Finally we will go with the feeling that the whole of life is a waste, a hopeless pursuit, and nothing is worthwhile here.

This happens because the world is opposing us, due to the fact that we are opposing it.

Why should we have this character of opposition evinced from the world if we are to live in the world?

Either we need not live in the world, or we have to live in the world.

If we want to stay in a distant space unconnected with the world, that is a different matter.

We cannot have our own counter-bolt of opinion about the world as long as we are in it.

It is like opposing the members of the family, ourselves belonging to this membership.

We forget the fact that we belong to the world, we are in the world, we are breathing the air of this world, we are drinking the water of life, and we are here.

A total egoistic attitude of self-sufficiency is the defeat of all education.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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