What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-6.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


The turmoil of emotions and the over-enthusiasm of youth, which does not listen to any advice, is the result of the power of the sense organs, which take complete possession of our young age; and, therefore, often it appears that no good advice will enter the brain of a young person.

Good advice is wasted energy, though there may be means of communicating instruction, knowledge, or true education even at this age, if a proper methodology is adopted.

This was one of the points that was realised by ancient masters in India particularly, who were not like professors in our colleges but like parents who felt the necessity to take care of untutored emotions and unlettered understandings.

In India, we had the ancient system of teaching called gurukula, which means the system of living under the umbrella and protection of a competent, knowledgeable person.

It is necessary to live with that person, and not merely listen to what that person says, or read books.

There was no such necessity in those days, because the life and the vibrating force of the teacher was more a teaching than the books or even the words that he spoke.

That the influence of a living person is more potent and capable of communicating knowledge than any other means was something realised very early in India, which point is missed these days due to the mechanised form of education.

Education has become like a robot – a huge machine, a push button system that produces only mechanical goods, and not living individuals or intelligent human beings.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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