What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-5.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


It is not true that the thing is exactly as it is seen with the eyes, etc.

This awakening to the fact that the senses are not the true reporters of the facts of life is a real achievement indeed.

But very few people are awakened to this fact.

We live like animals, if we believe that sensations are the only available sources of knowledge.

There is practically no difference between a human being and an animal, if sensation is the instrument of knowing and the supreme judge of anything in the world.

Do you believe that generally our judgements are of this type only?

Have we any other means of knowing things than our sense organs?

We have nothing except these.

Again, as I mentioned, we will find that when we are very young children, boyish and juvenile in our enthusiasm, this enthusiasm is precisely due to the strength of the senses.

In youth, the senses are very strong and, therefore, they boil and dash upon us like strong waves in the ocean, and like cyclones they hurl us down if we do not listen to them.

That is why young boys and girls are sometimes cyclonic in their emotions, and even in their judgements of things.

But this cyclone will cease eventually.

The wind will not blow like this always.

The waves of emotion will subside when the senses become weak.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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