What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-4.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


This is called a philosophy of sensationalism.

The sensation itself is the meaning of life.

Whatever the senses tell us, that is the truth, finally.

If the skin feels cold, the world is cold; if it feels hot, the world is hot.

Immediately we have a readymade opinion from our bags.

“It is sweet,” “It is bitter,” the tongue says.

At once it reacts and holds an opinion about that which is placed on it – and so on, with every one of our senses.

Thus, it appears that we have nothing with us worth the while except our sense organs, if it is true that we are to know, judge, understand, appreciate, and evaluate things only through the sense organs – the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, touch.

There is nothing else.

But, there must come a time in our life, in everyone's life, when we will be opened up to a new fact altogether – that the world is not made in such a way as it is reported to the sensations.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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