What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-15.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


These potencies of what we call the unconscious and the subconscious are the conditioning factors of our present conscious thinking, feeling, reacting, etc.

This is the reason why every one of us has one particular view of things.

You think in one way and I think in another way about one and the same thing.

There are as many philosophies as there are people, and as many viewpoints and standpoints of looking at things as there are individuals, because the way in which the conditioned personality manifests itself in conscious experience depends upon the varieties of circumstances in which the psychophysical personality is placed.

This is why every one of us is different – one cannot be like the other – and each one has a peculiar idea of something or the other.

All this amounts to saying that none of us can be really happy because there is something hidden inside us which refuses to come to the surface – like a disease that is buried deep.

Sometimes it comes like a boil, sometimes it comes like a sneeze, another time like an ache in the stomach, sometimes like a headache, but we will not know what the real fact is – why we are having all these types of manifested illness.

The root is never known easily, and we see only the symptoms outside.

Similarly, we have many a symptom of dissatisfaction in this world.

We can never be happy with anything.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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