What is Knowledge : Ch-2. Part-1.

Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :


A time comes in everyone's life when one would see and realise that the world is not made in the way it appeared earlier; it is something different.

And we begin to learn this lesson sometimes very late in life, not when we are young.

Often, the world appears to be a field of adventure by young people.

They are very heroic, bold; they climb mountaintops, plunge into ocean waves, and go skiing on icebergs.

This is a world of such satisfactions to youth, who see this kind of meaning in the world due to what they are, and not because of what the world is.

But this would not be realised so easily.

We will not know that our idea of the world is mostly due to what we are, and not due to what the world itself is.

Practically everyone will miss this point in the process of living in this world.

The world is so clever, we should say, that it will not permit us to go into these secrets.

It has to be taken only at its face value.

And this is, perhaps, what anyone would also expect.

This is what we mostly do; we take the world at its face value.

If it rains, we say it rains; if it is hot, we say it is hot; if it is cold, we say it is cold.

This is just a statement which is superficially in agreement with a phenomenon that is taking place, a phenomenon which agrees with the receptivity of our sense organs like the eyes, ears, and so on.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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