What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-20.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


The world is not outside us. Now, here is the beginning of our studies in these sessions. Is the world really outside us? In India, we have systems of thinking along these lines, one of them being called the Sankhya philosophy, which spent years and years – ages, perhaps – in trying to understand what this world is made of. What is the stuff of nature, and how am I related to it? The Yoga System, which is the practical application of the knowledge of the reality of life, is based on a doctrine which is the knowledge itself, properly speaking.'Sankhya' is a word that is used in one system of Indian thinking which is engaged in the analysis of the objective world in its relation to the subject of knowledge.

All these things that I have mentioned to you just now are a sort of introduction to this great theme before us. What is your relation to the world? How are you connected with it? How is the world connected with you? In what way are people around you connected with you? In what way are you related to anybody in this world? Is this not an important subject to study? And what else can be more important than this, because here is the crucial point on which depends everything else in life. If this point is missed, if you blunder and flounder in properly conducting your studies and analyses here, you will blunder and flounder everywhere in life. The whole structure of life will crumble if this foundation is not properly laid. Thus, the Sankhya philosophy tried to lay a foundation for the entire adventure of life by an analysis it called 'the knowledge process'. This is a subject we shall take up in some more detail subsequently.

Chapter-1: The Knowledge Situation. ENDS.

Next : Chapter-2. The Necessity to Understand What Real Knowledge Is :

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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