What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-18.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


Now, again I am coming to the point.

Do not be under the impression that knowledge is a tool, an instrument to give us physical amenities in life – to give us alot of wealth and make us politically or socially important persons.

Knowledge is not an instrument; it is the end in itself, because all our adventures in life depend upon the way in which we understand things.

And perhaps, when we know a person wholly and become friends of that person one hundred percent, we require nothing from that person.

If you are my real friend in the true sense of the term – in the sense that you have understood me wholly, and I know you wholly – we have ceased to be two persons because of the intimacy of our friendship.

You will not expect anything from me; I will not expect anything from you.

Merely the knowledge of the fact that we are one will be a satisfaction.

Friendship is a satisfaction by itself, and not because two friends act as media or instruments of each other so that one may use the other as an instrument.

A friend is not an instrument of another friend; otherwise, it cannot be called friendship.

They are equals in every sense of the term.

So equally are they tuned in their being that they, for all practical purposes, have ceased to be two individuals.

They are one mind and one soul in two bodies, and they do not expect anything from each other.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued   ....


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