What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-16.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


Therefore, we can look at the world from a thousand different directions; and the world is infinite in the facets of its presentation.

As a beautifully cut crystal or a diamond may have various facets reflecting it in various ways, the world can present, and does present, itself in various ways.

But we are unable to adjust our minds to the totality of the universe.

We can, as finite individual percipients, behold only one facet of this world at a time, and the other facets are completely cut off from the ken of our perception.

But ignorance of the law is no excuse.

We cannot say: " I am very sorry. I did not know the world as these things also. I am a psychologist." "I am a physicist. I do not know who Ashoka is," one gentleman told me.

What kind of physicist are you?

Does it mean that you are totally ignorant of human history?

Look at the way we are taught these days.

We do not know who Napoleon is, who Ashoka is. Just because we are physicists, we know only atoms and forces.

Well, this is very unfortunate, again.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ....


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