What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-15.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


We may wrongly imagine, oftentimes, that we live one kind of life and the world is getting on in another way altogether.

For instance, these days we have a total bifurcation of physics and psychology.

Psychology is the study of the inner nature of man, and physics is the study of the outer nature – as if one has no connection with the other.

One can be a very good psychologist knowing nothing of physics, and one can be a very good physicist knowing nothing of one's own self.

The compartmentalisation of subjects in our curricula of studies, as if everything is watertight, is, again, very unfortunate. We have no connection of one with the other.

Knowledge is a universal process.

It is not merely physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics or psychology.

These are various outlooks or angles of vision of a single reality before us.

From one angle of vision, our knowledge of the world looks like psychology; from another angle, the same world presents itself before us as an object of physical studies, and so on.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ....


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