What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-11.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


The role which the subject of knowledge plays in the act of knowing anything is not in any way unimportant.

The knowledge of the world – or the knowledge of anything, for the matter of that – is not entirely dependent on the object of knowledge.

The object of knowledge is important, no doubt, but it is not the only important thing, because we are also a participant in this process of knowing the world.

All problems are a problem of knowledge, finally.

The difference in ideologies and difficulties arisen on account of difference of opinion among people – philosophically, or socially, or otherwise – arise on account of a problem in the knowledge process itself.

People do not know things in a uniform manner.

I see the world, you see the world, a cat sees the world, a dog sees the world, a politician sees the world, a religious man sees the world, a child sees the world, a genius sees the world.

Do we mean to say that everybody sees the world in the same way though the world, perhaps, stands as it is, as it was, as it will be, to everyone?

The world does not become different to a cat than it is to us, but it means something to us while it may mean something else to another subjective location of knowledge.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ....


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