What is Knowledge : Ch-1. Part-2.

Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation.


Most of us who are well-educated persons may not be regarded as these specimens of individuals who can be so easily overcome by a single pressure,

to the total ignorance of the presence of all other values of life.

Education precisely means only this much:

the capacity of the mind to recognise all the values of life connected with one’s existence,

and not to overemphasise any particular value,

which many a time gets identified with a desire.

A person who cannot think in this all-comprehensive manner even in respect of his own existence cannot be considered to be an educated person,

much less a cultured person.

That would be the specimen of an animal walking with two legs.

And, if education is to be understood as merely the obtaining of a paper certificate with somebody’s stamp,

then whatever be our outlook of life and the depth of our understanding,

we will find that we are not safe in this world –

because the troubles of life are not to be faced with certificates.

The world is made up of such stuff that we cannot easily understand what it is made of.

No piece of paper with us,

whatever stamp may be on it,

will be of any use to us when the world stares at us with tooth and claw.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ....


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