SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI : (Interview with non duality magazine) -16.
NDM: Okay, so then this cycle is going to end at some point.
Swamiji: This cycle will go on forever until the one who looks at the cycle wakes up. So till then the cycle will go on.
NDM: Oh, for the individual.
Swamiji: Yeah, for the individual, the cycle will end. The cycle will end after getting this knowledge that the whole thing is myself, and therefore this is a big long dream.
NDM: But why the dream in the first place? Why the dream?
Swamiji: This is how Isvara is. He didn’t create anything. If He created, I can ask Him, “Why did you create?” He didn’t create – this is how the truth is.
Really speaking, there is only one reality. Therefore the fun is that there is subject, there is object. That is the fun.
And reality is really a fun reality. (Laughter) It’s a very fun loving reality. They talk like that, “lila kaivalyam [merely play]”, a fun-loving reality. It’s not an ordinary reality. That’s why we all love funning. We all love fun because reality is fun-loving. The serious people are samsaris [worldly] really. (Laughter)
NDM: So could you say it’s like a joke?
Swamiji: You can understand it as a joke…it’s a glory. Why not we say, “It’s a glory?” Reality has glory. Iccha sakti, jñana sakti, kriya sakti. It has all these powers of desiring, knowing and doing, making. That’s how reality is. When this is the reality, I cannot ask the question, “Why are you like this?”
“This is how I am. What do you want me to be? Why do you want me to be any different? What do you think in the different thing I will be better? You tell me.” (Laughter)
NDM: Thank you, Swamiji
Swami Dayananda Saraswati
Next : What is Knowledge : Ch-1. The Knowledge Situation. Part-1.