SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI : (Interview with non duality magazine) -15.

 NDM: Before creation – before this – before the manifested creation…  

    Swamiji: It was unmanifest. The creation was there unmanifest.  

    NDM: Unmanifested?  

    Swamiji: Like in a seed, a tree.

 NDM: Okay, with that seed, how is it nirguna [without attributes] if it has a seed in it?  

    Swamiji: It’s all there. All the attributes are there – undifferentiated attributes. All the attributes of the jagat – the world – are there. Like in a seed, the tree is there, the twig is there, the leaf is there, the flower is there, the fruit is there, roots are there, all these are there, but undifferentiated, in a software. This is a software. Whole thing was unmanifest – software – of the previous manifest form. In a cycle the previous jagat is now in an unmanifest form. Again, it will become manifest. Then it becomes unmanifest like your waking up from sleep. Nirguna is the truth of this mithya jagat manifest or unmanifest. Nirguna is satyam [truth].

Swami Dayananda Saraswati

To be continued  ....


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