Vedantasara -6.
51. This ignorance has two powers, viz., the power of concealment and the power of projection.
52. Just as a small patch of cloud, by obstructing the vision of the observer, conceals, as it were, the solar disc extending over many miles, similarly ignorance, though limited by nature, yet obstructing the intellect of the observer, conceals, as it were, the Self which is unlimited and not subject to transmigration. Such a power is this power of concealment. It is thus said: “As the sun appears covered by a cloud and bedimmed to a very ignorant person whose vision is obscured by the cloud, so also That which to the unenlightened appears to be in bondage is my real nature – the Self – Eternal Knowledge” (Hastamalaka 10).
53. The Self covered by this (concealing power of ignorance may become subject to samsara (relative existence) characterised by one’s feeling as agent, the experiencing subject, happy, miserable, etc., just as a rope may become a snake due to the concealing power of one’s own ignorance.
54. Just as ignorance regarding a rope, by its inherent power, gives rise to the illusion of a snake etc., in the rope covered by it, so also ignorance, by its own power creates in the Self covered by it, such phenomena as Akasa etc., Such a power is called the power of projection. It is thus said: “The power of projection creates all from the subtle bodies to the cosmos” (Vakyasudha 13).
55. Consciousness associated with ignorance, possessed of these two powers, when considered from its own standpoint is the efficient cause, and when considered from the standpoint of its Upadhi or limitation is the material cause (of the universe).
56. Just as the spider, when considered from the standpoint of its own self, is the efficient cause of the web, and when looked upon from the standpoint of its body, is also the material cause of the web.
57. From Consciousness associated with the projecting power of ignorance which has a preponderance of the quality of darkness, has evolved Akasa which, in its turn, has produced air, from air has come fire, from fire water, and from water earth. As in such Sruti passages, “From this Self has evolved Akasa” (Tait. Up. II-1-1).
58. On account of the preponderance of inertia observed in them, their cause also must have an excess of the quality of darkness (Tamas). At that time the qualities of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are reproduced in ether etc., in accordance with the law that the qualities of the cause determine the qualities of the effect.
59. These are called subtle matter, rudimentary elements (Tanmatras) and uncompounded (Apanchikrita) elements.
60. From these subtle elements are produced subtle bodies and gross elements.