Belief in the reality of unreal: 1.
Saturday, Dec 07, 23013.
Vedantham :
Belief in the reality of unreal : Mandukya Upanishad. Chapter-4. Karika-75.
"Man has a mere persistent belief in the reality of un-real. There is no duality. One who has realised the absence of duality is never born again as there remains, no longer, any cause for such rebirth."
In this karika, a conclusive statement to prove to us why the pluralistic world, though unreal, is still persisting in our perception.
It is because of a persisting belief ( "Abhinivesam" ). The real strength and beauty of this karika, unfortunately, cannot be translated into or conveyed through the English vocabulary.
Abhinivesam is not merely a persistent belief, but we may say that it is an intense mental pre-occupation with an ardent faith in a false knowledge sustained and nurtured by a totally laughable ignorance.
Abhinivesam also spells the ruin of the individual who maintains this belief.