Our Relationship with the Lord -5.

The perfect student of Vedantham has reached the Guru after discovering in his discrimination that neither his body nor his psychological personality can be sufficiently sacred and divine as to satisfy himself.

He has come to feel that some power subtler than the mind and the intellect is playing hide-and-seek with in him, and that it is really the dynamic Life Centre which vitalise the other coatings of matter that come to envelope and hide it.

The Guru endorses the disciple's vague and accidental conclusions. The Master of Vedantham provides the disciple with arguments and convictions and leads him to this Seat of Life, the "SELF", "THAT LIES WITHIN THE SEEKER HIMSELF".

When the disciple comes to understand fully the depth and significance to the Guru's mystical words and comes vitally and intensely to first hand experience the GREAT GRAND TRUTH THAT he is "THAT", he gains "PERFECT KNOWLEDGE".

Next :- Perfect Identity.



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