16. The one way to end the shadow in front of us ! :
The one way to end the shadow in front of us is to turn our gaze towards the Light within. If we cannot all of a sudden do so, let us then do the easier act of Self-Surrender. The taller we are, the longer shall be our shadow. Bend double, the shadow is half. Sit down, the shadow is still smaller. "Fall flat at His feet in love and Surrender," and the shadow is no more. End the shadow in us, this ego, by surrendering unto "HIM," the Atma, the Self in us. Detach the false ego from the true Self. Detach the mind from the memories and hopes. Cleanse your bosom of all desires. Desirelessness is the State of Perfection.. Egolessness is the State of "GOD-HOOD." Attain this Supreme Goal of Life through "KNOWLEDGE and RIGHT LOVING." END.